Kuncie x UGM Human Capital Batch 4
Program ini dirancang khusus oleh MBA FEB UGM untuk membekali para profesional dengan strategi manajemen SDM yang efektif, berbasis data, dan berorientasi masa depan. Mulai dari membangun budaya kerja yang inklusif, merancang strategi talent management yang berdampak, hingga meraih sertifikasi CHRM dari BNSP. Inilah saatnya Anda mengoptimalkan potensi SDM dan mendorong pertumbuhan organisasi secara berkelanjutan!

Hybrid Learning
Disertifikasi oleh
7 Juli - 14 November 2025
Rp 16.000.000
Belum termasuk pajakSolusi
Yang akan kamu pelajari:
Strategic Human Capital Management
Employee Engagement
Strategic Communication & Conflict Resolution
Foundations of Labor and Employment Law
Human Capital and the Economy
Talent Management Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
Human Capital Measurement and Assessment
Sustainability and Innovation Leadership
Organizational Change and Development
Future of Work
Kelas ini cocok untuk:
Entry-Level HR Professionals
Kuasai dasar-dasar Human Capital untuk membangun karier di dunia HR. -
Mid-level Managers
Pastikan implementasi strategi Human Capital berjalan sesuai rencana dan selaras dengan tujuan bisnis perusahaan. -
Senior Executives
Optimalkan strategi Human Capital untuk mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan. -
HR Manager & Executives
Tingkatkan keterampilan dalam menarik, mengembangkan, dan mempertahankan talenta terbaik.
Yang akan kamu dapatkan:
💻 Live Class Sessions
⚙️ Action Learning Project
📜 Sertifikat dari MBA UGM
📝 Sesi Preparation dan Tes Sertifikasi CHRM oleh BNSP

MBA FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada
Higher Education Institution
Materi Kelas
Orientasi Program Human Capital Management Batch 41:56
Dokumen: Guidebook Program Human Capital Management Batch 40:00
Recording Onboarding Program Human Capital Management Batch 461:06
4 Aspects That Affect the Strategic Business Environment5:54
4 Aspects That Affect the Strategic Business Environment: Digitalization14:49
4 Aspects That Affect the Strategic Business Environment: Sustainable Management7:48
4 Aspects That Affect the Strategic Business Environment: Post-Covid Era18:32
4 Aspects That Affect the Strategic Business Environment: Diversity11:25
Top Ten Skills of 202511:04
Human Resource Quality of Indonesia Relative to Other Countries14:01
Key Insights of Human Resources in Indonesia15:21
Organizational Capability Concept22:37
The Crucial Roles of Line Managers12:08
Quiz - Strategic Human Capital Management0:00
Definitions of Employee Engagement9:44
Work Attitude and Behavior12:26
Outcome Employee Engagement6:57
Antecedent Employee Engagement6:11
Engage VS Disengage. Why?7:33
The 12 Elements of Employee Engagement11:32
How Companies Can Improve Employee Engagement?8:24
Culture of Engagement11:05
The Dark Side of High Employee Engagement5:41
Quiz - Employee Engagement0:00
How to define ‘strategic’ in managing talent?10:35
What is leadership?13:06
What is communication?12:35
What is productive conflict?12:46
Learning organization in managing talent15:25
Purpose-driven strategic communication14:24
Emotional intelligence12:56
Public speaking15:03
Group and team13:56
Multi teaming dynamics11:45
Communication in managing team conflict16:58
Evolution in organization-effectiveness13:18
Dynamics in organization12:24
Communication and conflict resolution in an agile organization17:09
Quiz - Strategic Communication and Conflict Resolution0:00
Why Understanding Industrial Relations and Labor Law is Important?10:40
Developing an Industrial Relations Strategy11:45
Implementation of Labor Laws and Regulations9:17
Company Regulations and Collective Labor Agreement6:13
Settlement of Employee Grievances and Legal Process of Industrial Relations Disputes7:01
Labor Union6:30
Quiz - Foundations of Labor and Employment Law0:00
Challenges in Indonesian labor market8:30
What is human capital?19:45
Measures of human capital in the economy20:07
The role human capital in economic growth16:43
The role of human capital in firm and industry performance14:13
Basics of human capital theory10:45
Health and Productivity9:18
General and firm-specific human capital11:55
The role of training on productivity16:07
Changing nature of work12:18
Policies to improve human capital21:40
Quiz - Human Capital and the Economy0:00
Introduction of Talent Management7:17
4 Perspectives of Talent Management17:23
Issues in Talent Management16:04
Performance Management Cycle5:58
Improving Individual Job Performance8:01
Critical Organizational Capability5:58
Talent Mapping2:26
Talent Development11:12
Quiz - Talent Management Strategy0:00
Introduction to DEI13:27
Understanding of DEI12:07
DEI Context in Indonesia19:00
DEI Implementation Strategy: Practical Steps for Designing DEI19:09
DEI Implementation Strategy - Commitment of Organizational Leadership to DEI9:54
Effective DEI Initiatives8:53
DEI conclusion5:08
Quiz - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)0:00
Definition of HR Measurement and Assessment9:29
Levels of Metrics7:26
What to Measure?7:36
Typical Measurement in HR6:28
Use of Measurement3:56
From Measurement to Action5:25
Human Resources Audit6:02
Quiz - Human Capital Measurement and Assessment0:00
What is Leadership17:11
Urgency of Leadership in Organization16:07
Leadership Styles Part 110:29
Leadership Styles Part 28:34
SDGs, ESG, and imperatives for businesses12:55
From Human Capital to Human Development9:06
Cambridge Model for Sustainability Leadership: Concept16:29
Cambridge Model for Sustainability Leadership: Examples8:58
What is System Thinking6:36
Systems Approach to Leadership16:06
From Sustainability to Innovation11:38
Establishing Structure for Innovation (part 1)20:26
Establishing Structure for Innovation (part 2)11:12
Hard Truth of Innovation Culture6:49
Developing innovation process10:17
Quiz - Sustainability and Innovation Leadership0:00
What is Change and Stability?16:19
Why Do Organizations Change18:34
Why is Difficult to Change and Stability as Duality10:35
What is Resistance?7:30
Sources of Resistance13:04
Resistance as a Positive Feedback to Change Efforts19:12
Managing Resistance10:15
Linear Approach — Change in Three Steps8:33
Systems Approach15:27
Action Research10:31
What is Initiative Decay?11:55
Reasons for Initative Decay22:24
Quiz - Organizational Change and Development0:00
The Introduction of Futures, Gig and Digital Economy8:50
What is Future Work? The Framing And its scenarios12:04
The Relation Between Gig and Digital Economies and Future Work4:30
How Technology Disruption Affects the Development of Future work6:54
The Impact of Economic Development and Growth in Shaping Our Future of Work5:54
The Impact of Political Scene in Shaping Our Future of Work6:38
The Future Skill for Organization10:14
Copy of The Future Skill for Individuals6:34
The Internal and External Relation in Organization7:50
The Role of Organization for Fulfilling the Individual Needs in Future Work6:54
The Strategy to Adapt the Future Work for Organization17:11
UGM Model of New Ways of Working (NWOW)11:23
Quiz - Future of Work0:00